Last updated: March 1, 2024
At i spa Health Studio, your privacy is super important to us. This Privacy Policy is here to explain how we handle your information when you check out our website.
When you sign up for our monthly newsletter, place an order, or fill out our new patient forms, we may collect:
We also grab some automatic info like your IP address and browser type. Don't worry; it's just to make our site work better for you and it doesn't identify who you are.
If you subscribe to our monthly newsletter, we'll use your email to send you cool updates, promotions, and i spa news. But, if you ever want to bail, no hard feelings – you can unsubscribe anytime.
Any health info you share is just between us. We won't spill the beans to anyone else without asking you first.
Your health info is like Fort Knox to us. We follow the rules of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) to make sure it's safe and sound. Promise!
We're not into sharing your personal info with random folks. The only exceptions are our trusted pals who help us run the website and serve you better. But, we've sworn them to secrecy too.
We've got your back when it comes to security. Your info is encrypted and locked up tight. Only the team members who need it can access it.
If we ever tweak this Privacy Policy, we'll give you a heads-up by updating the date on this page. But, we see no reason why we would need to update it as we have no intention of ever sharing anything. We don't play games like that.
If you ever have questions or just want to say hi, shoot us an email at contactus@ispahealthstudio.com. We're here for you!
By hanging out on our website, you're cool with the terms in this Privacy Policy. Thanks for trusting us with your info!